Virtual Retreat

A “Virtual Retreat” is similar to an online course, however, it’s much deeper and focuses on meditation. This time out gives space and energy to evaluate our every day dharma practice.

All retreats will be led by precious spiritual guide Gen Namgyel-la
Recordings will be provided by email for all participants after retreat, for their personal use only.
** Wish Fulfilling Jewel members can access the past six months recordings click here
The 2025 retreat schedule will be released in January.
Virtual Retreats in 2024

24th November (Sunday)
AEST (UTC+10): 11:00 - 12:30
Actual Practise:
AEST (UTC+10): 13:00-14:00
AEST (UTC+10): 15:30-16:30
Healing Buddha Virtual Retreat
Dates |23rd-24th November 2024​ (Saturday & Sunday)
Suitable for beginners
Language |English with translation into Cantonese
Dates |1st December 2024​ (Sunday)
Suitable for advanced practitioners
Language |English
Led by Gen Namgyel-la
This Medicine Buddha, also called the Healing Buddha, is a very powerful practice for healing, purification, and success on our spiritual path and in daily life. This practice is especially beneficial if you're doing healing work, if you have a physical condition, or if someone you know or love is suffering, this practice can be done for them.​​
Recordings are provided within 72 hours after the retreat for all participants, for their personal use only.
Daily Schedule|
23rd November (Saturday)
AEST (UTC+10): 11:00 - 12:30
AEST (UTC+10): 15:00 - 16:00
AEST (UTC+10): 16:30-18:00
Actual Practise:
AEST (UTC+10): 18:00-19:00
1st December (Sunday)
Session 1:
AEST (UTC+10): 16:00-18:00
Session 2:
AEST (UTC+10): 19:00-20:30
Daily Schedule|
7th July 2024 (Sunday)
AEST (UTC+10): 14:45 - 15:15
Teaching (recording of the February Chenresig retreat)
AEST (UTC+10): 15:30-17:30 and 19:00-21:00
A day of praying for universal peace - Chenresig Virtual Retreat
Date | 7th July 2024​ (Sunday)
One-day practice with Gen Namgyel-la’s recording video
A special opportunity to join together to pray for the world. While following the recording of the Chenresig Virtual Retreat from February, with our mantras and blessings from Chenresig, we will practise as a group to send our limitless love and compassion to the universe.
*Special: Donate as you wish, your donation will go to the Merit Fund for the pujas and prayers of Chokhor Duchen on 10th July, a very auspicious powerful day in July.
This Chenresig retreat will help you develop great love, wishing all beings to have true happiness, and great compassion, wishing all beings to be free of suffering. Chenresig is said to be the embodiment of compassion. Connecting to Chenresig can help us to develop our Bodhicitta, which brings true happiness to oneself and others.
Language | English
*Recordings are provided within 72 hours after the retreat for all participants, for their personal use only.

Daily Schedule|
18th May (Saturday) Schedule
AEST (UTC+10): 14:45 - 15:15
AEST (UTC+10): 15:30-17:30 and 19:00-21:00
19th May (Sunday) Schedule
Discussion Groups
AEST (UTC+10): 14:30 - 15:15
AEST (UTC+10): 15:30-17:30 and 19:00-21:00
Green Tara - Female Wisdom - Virtual Retreat (Finished)
Dates | 18th-19th May 2024​ (Saturday & Sunday)
Led by Gen Namgyel-la
Special: This retreat is during the month of Saka Dawa; when all karmic results both good and bad, are considered to be multiplied by millions.
Meditating on Green Tara is a very powerful way to identify and open to our own inner potential for wisdom and compassion. This retreat will energise you to connect with Tara, helping to remove obstacles to developing compassion and wisdom, leading ultimately to enlightenment.
Language |English
*Recordings are provided within 72 hours after the retreat for all participants, for their personal use only.

Daily Schedule|
24th February 2024 (Saturday)
AEST (UTC+10): 14:30 - 15:15
AEST (UTC+10): 15:30-17:30 and 19:00-21:00
Chenresig Virtual Retreat
Dates | 24th February 2024​ (Saturday)
Led by Gen Namgyel-la
Special: This retreat is during Chotrul Duchen when all karmic results both good and bad, are considered to be multiplied by millions.
This Chenresig retreat will help you develop great love, wishing all beings to have true happiness, and great compassion, wishing all beings to be free of suffering. Chenresig is said to be the embodiment of compassion. Connecting to Chenresig can help us to develop our Bodhicitta, which brings true happiness to oneself and others.
Language | English with translation into Cantonese
*Recordings are provided within 72 hours after the retreat for all participants, for their personal use only.
Suggested Offering (Dana*):
We have suggested offering for different retreats, we would greatly appreciate if you are inspired to offer more, this would allow us to provide the retreats at low cost.
1-day virtual retreat: USD 35-80
2-day virtual retreat: USD 70-160
3-day virtual retreat: USD 105-240
As financial conditions should never be an obstacle to studying the Dharma, Scholarship will be available by request:
Scholarship: To support monks, nuns and laypeople who have the passion to learn Buddhism but have difficulties to make offering.
To apply for scholarship, please write to us at https://www.venerable-namgyel-online-sangha.com/question and we will get in touch with you to follow up.
​Notice: Please applied for at least 7 days before the retreat starts.
*Dana is a Sanskrit and Pali word that means "generosity" in the sense of providing benefit to others and also cultivating a generous attitude oneself. Thank you for your kind offerings to Gen Namgyel-la and VNOS so that we can continue our work to benefit others in so many ways.
Attendance at retreats will be considered each time, for each retreat, based on their backgrounds, that must include having received teachings directly from Gen Namgyel-la.
VNOS / Gen Namgyel-la will assess each retreat application individually, and determine if attendance at retreats is viable based on these and other criteria.
Registration must be done at least 2 days before the retreat starts.
The payment procedures will be made after your application is approved. Once we receive your donation, you will receive a confirmation within 1 day.
You will need the same register name to sign into Zoom for attending the retreat, this is essential for the host to recognize registered participants.
If you must register within 2 days before the first retreat session starts, you will have to email us (at: venerableonlinesangha@gmail.com) for fast registration.
* All of the above is intended to create a quality study environment and provide time for the volunteers to process the registration. This also benefits the student by clearly setting an intention to attend the course. We appreciate your patience and consideration.