Make Offering to Merit Fund

''Just as a drop of water that falls into the great ocean
Will never disappear until the ocean itself runs dry,
Merit totally dedicated to enlightenment
Will never disappear until enlightenment is reached.''
What's special about Merit Fund?
Merits and your dedications will roll on forever.
Fund will be used for all kinds of pujas, prayers and virtuous activities.
The merit fund works as a backup reserve to support various virtuous activities of VNOS (e.g. prayers, pujas), so as to allow higher flexibility and provide necessary funding in times of urgency. One of the common usages would be to cover the basic cost of a puja, should there be not enough supporting donations.
How to get involved:
By sponsoring the merit fund, you are welcome to make your special dedications, which will be included in each of VNOS's virtuous activities. If you want to dedicate for any special occasion or specific people later on, you can always come back to make another offering.
Meritorious Deeds Performed by the Merit Fund on Behalf of Donors
We have specific pujas for Powerful Days and other special occasions. These are precious opportunities for you to accumulate merits, purify negativities and pray for wellness and success. For more details, please visit 'Powerful Days'.
If you need a special puja for any specific issues, or if you want to understand what puja could help you, please kindly visit 'Puja'.
Monthly Pujas ( at the nunnery in Nepal)
We regularly sponsor three monthly pujas at the nunnery in Nepal for purification and accumulation on behalf of the benefactors of the Merit Fund.
Green Tara Puja with 21 Praises to Tara @ Nepal nunnery
Guru Puja @ Nepal nunnery
Cittamani Tara Puja @ Nepal nunnery

You can gain extra benefits by donating to the Merit Fund:
✓ Your name will be included in all dharma activities and pujas that are supported by the Merit Fund for special dedication.
✓ You can make a special dedication for yourself from the Gen Namgyel's daily light offering to the deities.
We recommend that everyone make a new donation each quarter to keep the Merit Fund running and to continue supporting dharma activities for your benefit. Your continuous offering is vital for sustaining our Dharma activities, which inevitably incur costs. However, we are confident that these will continue in the long term with your kind support.
Gen Namgyel's daily light offering to the deities:
If you would like to make a special dedication to the deities, you can find more details on the Light Offering page.
A Month Light Offering to:

Shakyamuni Buddha
Green Tara

Guru Padmasambhava
Guru Padmasambhava

Amitayu Buddha and
White Tara

Medicine Buddha
Step 1 - Fill in Information
Please provide your information in the form below
If you cannot see the form, please go to:
Step 2 - Payment
Please proceed with the selected payment method to make the offering in order to complete the process. Related payment procedures can be found in the email sent to you after submitting the form above.