Act with generosity and fulfil our Teacher’s wishes!

You might know that Gen Namgyel-la is preparing to enter into long-term retreat, which is a living tradition of intensive meditations and practices to actualise the profound Dharma teachings. The experience gained in retreat can be a powerful tool in helping others. Out of compassion to benefit all sentient beings, Gen-la decided to enter into his 3-year retreat!
Let’s all rejoice that the conditions are making it possible for our precious spiritual guide!

This is also a precious opportunity for our students to accumulate merits by supporting Gen Namgyel-ls’s 3-year retreat. We need a lot of merit to meet an authentic Dharma teacher, and need even more merit to understand the authentic Dharma teachings.

✓ A highly meritorious opportunity for students of Gen Namgyel-la.
✓ Assist with living expenses throughout the personal retreat.
✓ Medical expenses to treat Gen-la’s ongoing health issues (from much travel over three decades, teaching around the world, and often living in poor conditions).
✓ Ongoing costs of internet services.
✓ Provide your support with one donation or a scheduled monthly offering.
You can support Gen Namgyel-la’s 3-year retreat!
While Gen Namgyel-la is on retreat, you are still be able to stay connected with him through the Dharma. Out of his kindness and compassion, Gen-la will continue to provide teachings, virtual retreats and Dharma services for the people in need.
Throughout the retreat:
✓ Gen Namgyel-la will periodically provide online retreats for all international students.
✓ Gen-la will continue to facilitate pujas and personally make light offerings & prayers for individuals and the entire world.
✓ Gen-la will especially pray for retreat sponsors every day, with offerings on his altar and light offerings.
✓ Gen Namgyel-la will continue to provide succinct individual guidance to those students in great need.

As a student of Gen-la, we can not only support his retreat, but also memorise his teachings and keep on practicing. The more we practice, the stronger connection is created with our teacher along the path of enlightenment.
No matter how much you offer, you are contributing and sharing the inconceivable collective merits! Please do share and engage whoever you think will benefit from this project. Thank you very much.
If you have any questions, please kindly email to us @
Any contribution to support Gen Namgyel-la's three year retreat is deeply appreciated:
There will be 5% transition fee charged by paypal, however this is the best method we have identified for now.
Thank you for your understanding and support.