This is an except from Ringu Tulku's book, Daring Steps.
Then what are the three things to abandon in connection with the refuge vow?
Their root is as follows: Do not strive for protection by worldly gods. Do not seize an opportunity to harm other beings. Do not mistrust and belittle the members of the two types of sangha.
What are the three things to adopt? Respect and revere any representation of the Buddha, even including fragments of a broken image. Respect and revere the scriptures of the Dharma, down to a single letter torn from a page. Respect and revere members of the Sangha, even those who just adopt their outer style.
What are the three things conducive to practice? Rely on a teacher who is both learned and accomplished. Study and reflect upon the Dharma. And do not forsake the activities and precepts, which are the signs of the Sangha.
Lama Zopa Rinpoche with Choeding Rinpoche