Master Class: Buddhist Philosophy & Psychology
- Lorig: Mind and Mental Factors

The Tibetan Buddhist path consists of various practices and disciplines which include sutra and tantric meditations, Stages of the Path teachings, philosophical reasonings, etc. These all work together to tame and train our minds, develop our compassion and wisdom, and thus lead us to enlightenment.
Due to the great compassion of Gen Namgyel-la and Geshe Tenzin-la, VNOS is proud to announce that we are organising a new course, a Master Class in Buddhist Philosophy & Psychology, along with our ongoing Lam Rim course to nurture and develop our students’ minds more fully.
According to the Buddhist definition, mind (sems) is mere clarity and awareness (gsal-rig-tsam) and refers to the individual, subjective mental activity of experiencing things (myong-ba). Clarity means giving rise to cognitive appearances of things (‘char-ba), similar to mental holograms, and awareness refers to cognitively engaging with them (‘jug-pa). Mere implies that this occurs without a separate unaffected, monolithic “me” that is either controlling or observing this activity. The “I” exists, but merely as an imputation based on a continuity of everchanging moments of experiencing ever changing things.
[See: Dr Alex Berzin, The Practical Application of Mahamudra, Part 4]
''What the students are studying is not to be debated or meditated upon, it is something to learn. For instance, if you want to learn mathematics, you start with 2 plus 2 equals four, this is the equation, so LORIG is the formula or equation by which you understand Buddha Mind. They are definitions given by a perfect, Buddha Mind so that we, ordinary sentient beings can understand the framework upon which Buddhist Psychology/Philosophy is built.''
- Words by our spiritual guide Gen Namgyel-la
Taught by Geshe Tenzin-la.
A course completion certificate will be offered.
TEACHER Geshe Tenzin-la : This course will be taught by Geshe Tenzin-la, who is a Lharampa Geshe from Sera Jey Monastic University, now based in Mumbai at the Menlhai Jamtse Tibetan Buddhist centre that was established by request of Gen Namgyel-la in 2018.

LANGUAGE: Geshela will teach in English.
DURATION: March - September 2022
DATES: Two Sundays monthly until September 2022. Commencing the 13th March 2022.
Live teachings in 2022
March: 13th , 27th
April: 10th , 24th
May: 8th , 22nd
June: 5th , 19th
July: 10th , 24th
August: 7th , 21st
September: 4th
AEST (UTC +10): 18:30 - 19:45
HKT (UTC +8): 16:30 - 17:45
IST (UTC +5.30): 14:00 - 15:15
CEST (UTC +2): 10:30 - 11:45
Time Zone Converter:
COST: It is important to support and engage with the philosophical teachings, and make a connection with our teacher. We kindly suggest a amount of US$80 for twelve sessions/ six months. You can donate after each session or monthly.
Scholarships are available for those in need, so everyone can attend who wants to; please see below under 'Remarks'.
1) PayPal :, noting the title, "Philosophy"
2) DonorBox:, noting the title, "Philosophy"
3) Transfer into India Bank:
State: Bank of India
Branch: Kushalnagar
Name: Lobsang Tenzin
Account no: 20335215768
IFSC code: SBIN0013342
Address: Kushalnagar Kodagu Dist, Karnataka State, India
How to join:
Fill in the form below
COMMITMENT: You will have to commit to attending each session, either live or by watching the recording. There may be homework now and again.
Because the course is well underway now, it is no longer possible to join the live teachings, but you can register—for access to all video/audio recordings & documents—to start anytime and study at your own pace.
In order to maximise the outcome, your commitment to take part throughout the whole course is crucial.
You could get a certificate after finishing the course; details will be announced later. ​​
The teaching material will be kept here in case you miss the live teaching. And after the course finishes, all materials will be available below, under: ’Session Recordings & Study Materials’.
VNOS Gompa Etiquette Guidelines provides suggestions and advice about how to make the most of the teachings we attend and to support others who are also attending.
Scholarship: Financial conditions should never be an obstacle to studying the Dharma. In order to support monks, nuns and laypeople who have the passion to learn Buddhism but have difficulties to donate, our scholarship program provides free membership access to all past and present Online Course materials, and so on.
May all those who need Dharma support find us! You are welcome to write to us and apply for the scholarship:
If you would like to support others who need this help, sponsor via the webpage
Session Recordings & Study Materials
Click here to download Course Notes

For past year course
recordings & materials
Please click here (For Members of $30 USD monthly or above)
For detailed members' privileges, please go to Membership page.